Donation & Sponsorship Requests
At SeaComm, we’re committed to the credit union philosophy, “People Helping People.”
We’re focused on making our communities a better place to live, and we believe there’s no better way to do that than by giving back. We proudly support local organizations to help strengthen the neighborhoods that we serve and improve the quality of life for residents within our membership area – St. Lawrence, Franklin, Clinton, Essex, Jefferson, Lewis Counties, New York and Grand Isle, Chittenden and Franklin Counties, Vermont.
SeaComm will only consider providing financial support for non-profit organizations (with tax exemption under Section 501c(3) or (6) of the IRS code) benefiting the community within our membership area, including donations towards or sponsorships for civic, recreational or charity events, programs, and publications.
As a supporter, SeaComm expects to receive published advertising or public name recognition from the requesting organization or group.
Request Guidelines:
- Requests must be submitted through our donation portal at least 30 days before the sponsored program or publication using the online SeaComm Donation/Sponsorship Request form below, along with any other supporting documentation.
- For requests of $5,000 or more, please find instructions at the bottom of this page to print and mail a physical copy of the Donation/Sponsorship Request form along with supporting documentation.
- The requesting organization must be a local civic, charitable or academic organization with the majority of its membership and operation within SeaComm’s field of membership service area.
- Consideration for donations and sponsorships will be at the discretion of SeaComm and will be based on available funds.
- Preference will be given to applications that reflect the mission and core values of SeaComm.
SeaComm FCU does not consider donation or sponsorship requests from:
- Individuals (including private fundraisers on the behalf of organizations)
- For-profit organizations
- Religious groups
- Political parties, candidates, or causes
- Governmental agencies and organizations
- Advocacy groups, committees, or causes
- Programs or publications that represent a conflict of interest to the Credit Union or our members
SeaComm does not consider donation or sponsorship requests for the following:
- Operating or administrative costs to run an organization or business
- Any instance where funds would be used for the purpose of building assets or capital
- Individual sponsorship of sport activities or beauty pageants, including travel and competition costs
Prior funding does not guarantee future funding.
Please fill out the online form below to submit your request.

Thank You
for helping to make our communities a better place to live.
The information provided will be used solely for considering donation or sponsorship requests, eligibility, and communicating with the applicant. Information is collected in partnership with online survey software, Alchemer. It will be kept in strictest confidence and will never be sold, rented, shared, or distributed by SeaComm, unless legally obligated to do so. For further information on our privacy policy, visit
For requests of $5,000 or more, please print and mail a physical copy of the Donation/Sponsorship form along with supporting documentation to the address below.
Disclaimer: SeaComm reserves the right to deny any and all requests regardless of whether they meet or do not meet the listed criteria, with or without detail to the applicant. SeaComm also reserves the right to provide in-kind contributions in lieu of financial requests for organizations that meet the guidelines as set forth by this policy.